Trolley und Side Table

Up, Up, and Away: The Art of Airline Galley Container Upcycling

Posted by Benjamin Petersen on

Up, up and away: The art of upcycling an airline's galley containers

Airline Trolley und Beistelltisch

To our side tables

The appeal of travel is more than just a means of transportation; it is a lifestyle and a design aesthetic in its own right. Airlines' galley containers, once stoic workanimals of the aviation industry, have been transformed into functional, elegant pieces that capture the essence of our wanderlust. These re-used aviation artifacts now serve not only as a coffee table, but also to show off the prized moments of the jetsetters.

For travel lovers, aviation enthusiasts and design connoisseurs, the use of galley containers as coffee tables is more than an act of reuse-it's a celebration of a bygone era, a tribute to the modern age of travel and an embodiment of functionality combined with style. In this extensive investigation, we go into every detail of these unique pieces, from their distinct design and practicality to their appeal to the wanderer's heart and do-it-yourselfer opportunities.

Design and aesthetic appeal

A Home Above the Clouds

A galley container is not just a piece of metal, but a piece of aviation history. These containers, designed to save efficiency and space, come in a variety of sizes and configurations, each with a story to tell. The aesthetic appeal lies in the intentions of their manufacturers-every line, every angle and every locking has been manufactured with the precision and functionality that only aircraft components have.

The walls, often aluminum, testify to the robustness and reliability that travelers unconsciously associate with airborne safety. The rounded edges are not only a technical masterpiece, but also a quiet refuge from the turbulence of life, even if only apparently. With their clear, symmetrical shape, these containers offer a paradox of order over the chaotic blank canvas of modern living spaces.

Upgrading of interiors

The integration of galley containers into the interior gives the aesthetic expression a unique dimension. In this way, the homeowners bring a piece of the airport lounge into their sanctuary and combine the warmth of the home with the promise of adventure. It's about creating a space that reflects the individual's passion for travel and embraces the memories of airport terminals and distant destinations.

Practical and functional

Wandbar in Schwarz

To our aircraft furniture

More than the eye can grasp

Apart from their external appearance, the practicality of galley containers cannot be overestimated. The strict standards of the aviation industry provide not only an elegant look, but also an incomparable robustness. These containers formed the backbone of the onboard service by storing trays, food and other things with impeccable efficiency.

And now, at home, they continue to do their job. With their secure compartments and drawers, they provide ample storage space for remote controls, blankets and all the little items that create clutter even on the most pristine surfaces. They require minimal maintenance and withstand heavy use-evidence of their original airborne purpose.

Versatility in Modern Life

You 'd think the usefulness of a galley container ends up on the runway, but the opposite is true. If they are repurposed as coffee tables, they are very adaptable. They can become side tables that hold not only the morning cup of coffee, but also the favorite books and trinkets, curtains that stylishly capture attention, or even outdoor furniture that defies the elements.

They are multifaceted, timeless pieces that can outlast trends that tell a story of their origins and at the same time fit into the structure of contemporary life and anticipate the needs of the future.

Appeal to Travel Enthusiasts


To our key holders

The Nostalgia of Travel

For those who find peace in the hum of jet engines and solace in the view from a window seat, a galley container in their living room is a beacon. He stands for the adventure of taking off, the satisfaction of a well-prepared meal at 30,000 feet and the excitement of landing in a new place. The nostalgia it evokes creates a seamless continuation of travel experiences, a constant reminder to explore further.

A story in every piece

Every galley container has its own past, because it was part of the travels of numerous travelers. This collective story, unique to the airline industry and the people it served, now flows into the narratives of those who call these containers their own. They serve as a conversation piece for visitors, stimulating conversations about travel, airplanes and the remarkable human ability to adapt and reuse.

DIY and customization options

Bring your trip home

Personalization is key to interior design, and the airline's galley containers provide a canvas on which everyone can express their tastes. From a fresh coat of paint that fits your personal color scheme to sticking on postcards or stickers from various travel destinations-there are no limits to your imagination. Some like to decorate their tables with the airline logo, others prefer a rustic vintage look from aviation.

** Sustainability at heart

Upcycling galley containers is an act of sustainability. The reuse of a container extends its lifespan, prevents it from ending up in the landfill and sets an example for responsible consumption. For the environmentally conscious traveler, this is not just a piece of furniture, but a demonstration of his commitment to the environment and an expression of his values.


The journey continues [

In summary, it can be said that coffee tables converted from galley containers embody a fascinating mixture of functionality and sentimentality. They are relics of an industry that keeps going into the future, adding a touch of elegance to any room. For anyone who wants to keep the spirit of travel alive in their daily lives, these pieces are a must.

Article on the industrial style

In the great narrative of life, aviation stands as a symbol of the pursuit of heaven. With these repurposed relics dragging the ground from under our feet as our imaginations soar, the allure of travel lives on, not just in our hearts but in the structure of our living spaces. It's a story about the objects that we give meaning to and that we turn from the mundane into something great. And as the saying goes: "The most beautiful thing in the world, of course, is the world itself." In every upcycled piece of furniture from a galley container, the world patiently waits for its next intrepid explorer.

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